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Our Services
Our services extend beyond our boatyard facilities. Our skills and expertise can be applied across a spectrum of marine related activities and land-based activities within our scope of expertise. We have worked closely with the St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority and provided critical services to this company including underwater inspection, underwater welding, maintenance dredging, procurement, installation and repairs to existing fenders and under water inspection and soffit examination of cruise pier infrastructure as an example of what we do.
St. Kitts Marine Works has one of the largest rated travel lifts (150T) in the English speaking Caribbean as an illustration of our capability. We have successfully lifted vessels up to 172 gross tones without incident in the past five years.
In order to meet the needs of our clients we have drilled, blasted and mined over 700,000 CY of rock material for shore protection projects including revetment structures. We have placed over 500,000 CY of core and armour rocks up to 20T on marine construction projects in the past four years. We have already moved over 300,000 CY of earth fill in a major earthworks project for the first half of 2010. We are scheduled to dredge over 1.5m CY of material over the next twelve months with the potential for a similar quantity as an expression of our clients” confidence.
Our full services include but are not limited to:
• Marine Contracting
• Commercial diving activities
• Pier and Wharf Construction
• Marina construction and slip construction
• Dredging of approaches, harbours and marinas
• Reclamation and Reclamation Management
• Mooring installation and refurbishment
• Land based and marine based Pile Driving
• Repairs to marine infrastructure including piers, wharves, buoys
• Supply and Installation of Fenders
• Emergency Marine repair work
• Salvage Operations
• Work Barge and Crane supply
• Complete Underwater NDT inspection services
• Towing on request
• Revetment Construction
• Coastal Construction including installation of civil works
• Earthworks
• Drilling, Blasting and Mining
• Quarry operations
• Full Boatyard operations including 150T travel lift.